Salary Income Tax Return (ITR) |
Filing of annual tax returns for individuals with salaried income. |
Business Annual Return of Income (ITR) |
Comprehensive filing of annual tax returns for businesses, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, and other business entities. |
Companies Annual Return of Income (ITR) |
Filing of annual tax returns for registered companies, ensuring compliance with corporate tax regulations. |
Filing of Withholding Tax Statements |
Submission of monthly and annual withholding tax statements for businesses and individuals. |
Monthly Sales Tax Return Filing (GST) |
Filing of monthly General Sales Tax (GST) returns for businesses operating under the Federal tax system. |
Monthly SRB Return Filing (SST) |
Submission of monthly Sindh Sales Tax (SST) returns through the Sindh Revenue Board (SRB). |
Monthly PRA Return Filing (PST) |
Filing of monthly Punjab Sales Tax (PST) returns via the Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA). |
Monthly KPRA Return Filing (KST) |
Monthly submission of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Sales Tax (KST) returns through the KP Revenue Authority (KPRA). |
Monthly BRA Return Filing (BST) |
Filing of monthly Balochistan Sales Tax (BST) returns through the Balochistan Revenue Authority (BRA). |